Saturday, August 15, 2009


Good news.I just played P.v.Z and reached a better record of 34flags!!!My plan of putting 4 corb-cannons actually worked,except one of them got eaten by a metalhead zombie.I beated my friends record of 33 flags.YESSSSSSS!!!
   Daryl's new job had him spending a lot of time on the road,and out of concern for his wife's safety he visited a pet shop to look at watchdogs.
   'I have just the dog for you,'said the salesman,showing him a miniature Pekingese.
    'Come on,'Daryl posted,'That little thing couldn't hurt a flea.'
   'Ahh,but he knows karate,'the saleman replied.'Here,let me show you.'He pointed to a cardboard box and ordered,'Karate the box!'Immediately,the dog shredded it.
    The salesman then pointed to an old wooden chairand instructed,'Karate the chair!'Again the chair became matchsticks.
    Daryl was impressed and bought the dog.
    When he was at home with his wife,he showed her the dog.
   'That little thing couldn't even get out a plastic bag!'
   'But he is an karate expert."Daryl tried to explain.His wife replied'Karate my foot ah!''

plants vs zombies

Plants vs Zombbies is a very interesting computer game.Just search plants vs zombies on google and you can find it.A screen will display 'buy now'but that's something a fool will do.Scrool down and there will be something like'download for free' .Thats what you're looking for.The game is about defending your house from zombies that are trying to eat your brains,using plants like the peashooter,sunflower,mine,wall-nut.I have completed everything except the survival:endless,where the giant garganter smashes all your plants.I reacahed until the 32 flag until I died.I am thinking on a strategy of putting 4 cob-cannons,that shoots giant corns that kills zombies in that area.Try out the game!
Such a bad thing happened.Somebody hacked my facebook account and took my ice away in Restaurant City.I have to use all of the skills I have learnt from the great Chinese to bring this hacker down,even if it takes a long time.It's better not yo tell anyone how to get any information on almost anything by threatening to tell everyone who he likes.Obviously this is blackmail but certain things are nessecery.

Friday, August 14, 2009

all effort wasted

I was bored watahing soccer on my flat-screen TV,so I asked m y parents to bring me to the theater to watch a movie.They agreed and we immediately set off to our destination as it was already 8.30p.m.The carpark was full,and my mother,sister went off to buy tickets while my father waited for a parking lot.The scene at the theater was probably 10 times worse.Prople were knocked each other and it seemed like I had only a limited block of space to stand.Luckily I ws small.I managed to squeeze trough many people to see what movies were avalable.There werer only two movies that I liked,GI joe and UP.GI joe was all sold out and the next one was 12.30a.m.UP had only the front two rows and I informed my mother who called my father not to park but no one answered.He arrived in ten minutes and my furioused mother questiooned him why he didn't pick up his phone,it turned out that he left his phone at home.So we had some dessert and went back home.


Nowadays it's so hot,wherever you are ypu willl sweat profusely.Why can't it be like the other cold countries like New Zealand or the U.S. where there are four seasons and we can go skiing every year?Though Singapore is hot throughout the year,when it is summer in non-tropical countries,the weather can rise up to forty degrees,much hotter than Singapore.And even if we live in say the U.S.,we cannot always play certain sports like tnenis or swimming during winter when it is freezing cold.
Everything has advantages and disadvantages,do you agree?

Monday, August 10, 2009


I was shcked at the same time relieved.It showed a big red 32 out of 50.I could not believe my eyes.How could I have done so badly!I got scolded by my mom that night.
After the incident,I wowed to revise for my examinations.


'Yah!'I screamed in pain as I was tackled by Jason.I fell hard on the ground,and my nose started to bleed.We were playing soccer,and there were only less than five minutes to go.My oppurtunity of scoring the winning goal wwas lost.


There was a bull and a tiger fighting.The tiger killed the bulln and in glee it screamed at the top of it's voice.This attracted a hunter and the hunter killed the tiger.

morel of the story:don't scream when you are full of bull.

throwing up

It was such a hot day.After F and C,Mr Muzz made us run around the field four times according to our speed.I was in cat A,which you can guess is the smartest group.We had to clock at least 40 seconds.Many of us threwed up,and I fell to the ground as I just finished the last round.
What a day!

Friday, April 17, 2009

healthy eating

Is eating fruits and vegetables a boon or a bane?.We have to eat fruuits and vegetables regularly.Many children like to eat fried stuff like french fries,nuggets and many other stuff.It is vital to eat healthily because if we eat the wrong kind of food,our body will not grow.Eating too much fried stuff can lead to soar throat or even worse,cancer.If we eat fruits and vegetables regularly,everything will be fine.EG.(our nails will grow,hair will grow longer)I like eating fruits and vegtables.Some of them may not taste good,but they are good for our body.
p.s.(due to an emergency,I must stop writing now.)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Good Friday

Good Friday is a Holy Week, and is traditionally a time of fasting and penance, commemorating the anniversary of Christ's crucifixion and death. For Christians, Good Friday commemorates not just a historical event, but the sacrificial death of Christ, which with the resurrection, comprises the heart of the Christian faith. The Catholic Catechism states this succinctly:Justification has been merited for us by the Passion of Christ who offered himself on the cross as a living victim, holy and pleasing to God, and whose blood has become the instrument of atonement for the sins of all men (CCC 1992)"[Believers] are justified freely by God's grace through the redemption in Christ Jesus, whom God set forth as an expiation, through faith, by his blood... The customs and prayers associated with Good Friday typically focus on the theme of Christ's sacrificial death for our sins.Good Friday is only celebrated by Christians and Catholics and Good Friday to them is a great,holy day.
(copied from

Monday, March 23, 2009

Sports Day

On sport day,I woke up as usual as a school day.I went to the Yio Chu Kang stadium to watch the different evnts.I myself was taking part in the 'B' division boys relay.As the the stadium was further up north from the school,I had to walk a longer distance to reacgh the stadium.
As I entered trhe stadium,I saw a huge crowd gathering beside the track.It turned out that the form teacher was marking class atendance.After that we sang the national anthem.
Then the races began.
First was the 100m,then 200m,the.300m,then the relays.It was wery boring sitting on the stand watching and cheering for our house,TOPAZ.The were either in the fourth position or more worse and occasionally came in the top three.
Soon my race came.I was the first runner and the most slowest runner in my team.But,we came in second.It was because my teammates helped me and I practically did nothing.After the next relay, there were no more races remaining and the Sports Day ended.I went home with one throphy,smiling.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Activities Outside School

1. What are the activities you are involved in outside school from Monday to Sunday?
I am involved in tennis.
2. How many days do you spend on these activities?
Normally two or three days.
3. How many hours do you spend in each of these activities?
Two hours.
4. Why are you involved in these activities?
I find it interesting with serves,volleys and smashed returns,
5. Do you think these activities are necessary for you? If 'Yes', how have these activities help you? If 'No', why are you taking part in these activities?
Yes,I think they are necessary.It has made me feel like a seeded tennis player.
6. Do you think these activities affect your school work/studies? If so, how?
7. Do you feel stressed with all these activities? Explain.
Not at all.To me tennis is really relaxing.
8. In your opinion, do you think pupils should be involved in outside school activities? Why?
Yes.It is good for their eyesight.

Monday, February 2, 2009

what I will defend

The world is in danger.Its life is in our hands for people are littering everywhere,therefor people are fined for littering. Many (lao ah gongs)elderly folk are spitting on the street and roads everywhere all over the world.Even if we try to stop ALL THIS,WE CAN NEVVVVER SAVE THE WORLD....