Friday, August 14, 2009

all effort wasted

I was bored watahing soccer on my flat-screen TV,so I asked m y parents to bring me to the theater to watch a movie.They agreed and we immediately set off to our destination as it was already 8.30p.m.The carpark was full,and my mother,sister went off to buy tickets while my father waited for a parking lot.The scene at the theater was probably 10 times worse.Prople were knocked each other and it seemed like I had only a limited block of space to stand.Luckily I ws small.I managed to squeeze trough many people to see what movies were avalable.There werer only two movies that I liked,GI joe and UP.GI joe was all sold out and the next one was 12.30a.m.UP had only the front two rows and I informed my mother who called my father not to park but no one answered.He arrived in ten minutes and my furioused mother questiooned him why he didn't pick up his phone,it turned out that he left his phone at home.So we had some dessert and went back home.

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